Sow the seeds for positive change in your workplace
Nicola Green is a Global workplace speaker with a passion to change lives by providing ‘real life’ support and education for life’s challenges; whilst empowering all with knowledge and information for greater awareness and understanding around topics like menopause, grief & loss and more.
After 20+ years of working in law, Nicola launched her business in 2019 addressing and supporting menopause in the workplace. Whilst menopause support remains the core of the business, Nicola soon realised there was an additional need for her to home in on her skill set and provide further workplace wellbeing and inclusion topics and naturally she expanded her services with additional presentations and support.
The core of Nicola Green Consultancy is that all services provided have not been taught, they have been lived. They have been life changing but also empowering. Sharing an open and honest lived experience with an audience, of any size, is what creates the most incredible human connection, embraces positive change and undoubtedly is the key to Nicola Green Consultancy’s success.
We do not shy away from taboo workplace topics but always ensure we make the uncomfortable, comfortable.
Allow Nicola Green Consultancy to sow seeds for positive change in your workplace and see the difference it can make to your employees and your bottom line.
Here are just some of the benefits of doing so:
- Reduced attrition
- Lower sickness absence
- Increased loyalty, engagement and productivity
- Improved culture
- Increased employer profile
- Exemplary managers
- Because it is the right thing to do
Whilst the majority of work is carried out within the workplace, Nicola Green Consultancy also supports individuals outside of the workplace.