07795 655507 [email protected]

About Nicola Green

I was 32 when I first went to the doctor to ask “Could I be going through a premature menopause?”

I spent the next six years living with fluctuating and often, unknown, menopause related symptoms, which ultimately, had a negative impact on me personally, but also my home and work life.

Why did this happen? Undoubtedly, the fact that I was not a ‘woman of a certain age’ and due to my own lack of education and knowledge.

At the age of 38 I knew something in my life had to change and I made the decision to start HRT. Medically, this was to help prevent osteoporosis later in life, but for me, it was to try and change the way I was feeling.

HRT, taking stock and learning how to add self care, enabled me to turn my life around.

No one would have ever looked at me and thought I was menopausal.

Real life, a career and menopause:

This picture is a poignant moment from my menopause journey and one I talk about in my presentations and training sessions. 

Nicola Green menopause artwork

My Passion

My continued passion is to help change lives by providing ‘real life’ menopause support and education; whilst empowering all with knowledge and information for greater awareness and understanding.

My varied services help open up the conversation and remove the taboo; whilst providing workplaces with a greater understanding and ability to support.

I have met so many women who have been mis-diagnosed due to their lack of knowledge and understanding and my presentations will help prevent  this from being the case for future generations.

We were taught about puberty and reproduction at school but nobody educated us on menopause or the impact it can have on an individual and those closest to them.

I have lived through my premature menopause whilst being married, bringing up a young family, holding down a career and all the other pressures of today’s life and I know how difficult it can be.

For more information about the varied workplace services I provide; please visit the services page.


I provide a range of menopause presentations online and in-person, tailored to the requirements of each business.

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LawNet Preferred Supplier and Women's Business Conference Award Finalist