07795 655507 [email protected]

We recently held a health and wellbeing day for everyone at Farnfields.  Nicola designed the day, presented with her colleague Jill, and covered menopause in the workplace and bereavement, two extremely important topics, topics that people still find hard to have a conversation about but affect all of us at some time in our lives.

Nicola and Jill were both excellent speakers, they were hugely informative, engaging, and relatable telling their own personal stories.

The feedback after the day was so positive and it definitely encouraged more open conversations.

I cannot recommend Nicola enough; she has a wealth of knowledge gained from her own experience and she is a really great speaker.  Nicola has also built up a great network of others who share her passion for wellbeing including Jill whose bereavement talk was equally brilliant and enlightening.  Being a law firm, we deal with all sorts of loss including divorce, the death of family members etc on a daily basis and Jill gave some great tips on how to help clients during difficult times as well as being there for the colleagues we work with.

Jackie Cuff

Partner, Farnfields Solicitors

We were lucky enough to welcome Nicola Green Assoc CIPD to join us for a lunchtime session to bring the somewhat taboo subject of the #Menopause into mainstream conversation within our business.

The majority of our business joined the session with Nicola so that we all had the opportunity to educate ourselves about such an important topic; one which will most certainly either impact us directly or indirectly at some point in our lives either at home or within the work place.

Thank you Nicola for joining us and sharing so openly your story.

Nicola was hugely informative; her style and approach is relaxed, factual and she normalises this often uncomfortable topic.

Lynne Colgate

Director & Head of Interim CFO & Finance Practice, Eton Bridge & Partners

We were delighted to have Nicola visit One25 to deliver Menopause Awareness Training to our employees. Nicola’s presentation shares her personal experience of menopause and she skilfully conveys her experience with honesty and sensitivity, demonstrating huge breadth of knowledge. She brought the topic to life with her engaging delivery and made it relatable to us all. We all left with tips on how to manage menopausal symptoms and also how to support others who may be impacted. Feedback from colleagues has been so positive with one attendee sharing the experience with a partner organisation who are now keen to provide this education to their teams as well! Menopause is a topic which should not be taboo and Nicola’s work in building understanding, knowledge and comfort around this topic is hugely impactful.

Josie Thurston

Organisational Support Manager, One25

A huge thank you for all the work you have done with the College. We have made so much progress with regard to supporting staff through the menopause with your help. The impact of your work with our College has been significant and your contribution invaluable. If has been an absolute pleasure working with you.

Assistant Principal , Brockenhurst College

We partnered with Nicola to increase the awareness for our managers and our site on the Menopause. Nicola was amazing in listening to our needs and providing a really exciting, engaging and importantly a challenging set of sessions. I was thrilled to see how Nicola spent the time to get to know the needs of our site and the managers maturity and tailor a session around our desired outcomes. It’s a pleasure to work with Nicola and would encourage any other company to engage her support.

Tom Whelligan-Fell

Global HR Business Partner, Novo Nordisk - Oxford

Nicola has spoken at two Women in Residential Property Events. There is a very good reason that we’ve worked with Nicola twice and will work with her again and it’s simply because she is an excellent speaker and a pleasure to work with. Nicola discusses the menopause with empathy and compassion whilst also delivering clear guidance that takes account of not just those who are experiencing the menopause but also those supporting them, whether that be in a personal or professional capacity.  On a personal note Nicola’s guidance has helped me take far more notice of both my physical and mental wellbeing as I approach the Menopause with, thanks to Nicola, less trepidation than might otherwise have been the case.  I have recommended Nicola to several other organisations and very much look forward to working with her again in the future.

Emma Vigus

Founder and Chair, Women in Residential Property

A huge thank you Nicola for providing a thoroughly personable, honest, helpful and enlightening presentation.  Her presentation skills are second to none.

 It has definitely opened up what can, to some, be an extremely personal and uncomfortable talking point and has provided a framework for us to carry the momentum on to support the wellbeing of those directly and indirectly affected.

 It is about time that menopause is not just talked about behind closed doors but is discussed more openly and candidly and Nicola is the person to do just that.

 I have absolutely no doubt that Nicola and the contents of her presentation surprised many and educated all.  It has ultimately made a difference to many.

 I cannot recommend Nicola highly enough.

 Thanks again!

Joanne Wilson

Senior Office Manager, Hall Brown Family Law

Nicola Green has been instrumental in keeping our management team informed of how to eradicate the taboo subject of menopause in the workplace and providing information, support and knowledge.

Nicola recently attended our office in Swindon to deliver a presentation for our Managers and Team Leaders face to face and online which is a feat in itself!

Some of the feedback from attendees included: 

“This session was brilliant”

“I think that Nicola’s way of delivering the session is at just the right pace and she speaks with confidence and in a matter of fact way that prevents any sense of awkward, ‘taboo’ issues being discussed that anyone should feel embarrassed about.”

“I really enjoyed the session and how to deal with and what others could be dealing with within their families in this situation.”

“Would like to say thank you to Nicola Green, it was very informative and I have a better understanding of the subject.”

TM Group

‘I liked the speaker; I think she pitched it just right. I felt she was genuine and knowledgeable and that she covered a sensitive issue well, from my perspective.’

‘The speaker was very honest and real.  I liked her.’ 

‘The seminar was useful in that it is making people more aware of the issues that a woman has to go through and still perform to the same standard as their male peers.  Nicola Green was lovely.  She was engaging and informative.’

Hart Brown LLP

Nicola recently came and delivered a presentation to our team of 17 on the menopause, we felt regardless of age or gender this was essential.  Nicola’s preparation to ensure it was tailored for our team was extremely thorough and this absolutely ensured the talk delivered was accurate for our work place. Nicola is engaging, empowering and also made everyone feel at ease with this subject and the feedback has been entirely positive. The change in the workplace is notable, there is now understanding and empathy throughout and also an environment that welcomes conversations around the menopause without embarrassment. From this we now have Menopause Champions, care packs, a menopause policy and a commitment to ongoing support. Nicola was a joy to work with and I highly recommend her to any business.

Joanna Boughton-White

Managing Partner, Dorwest Herbs

An insightful and eye opening course, not only educating men and women on such a sensitive and sometimes misunderstood matter but helping our business as a whole to support and provide care for anyone affected or being indirectly affected by this. I would wholeheartedly recommend this course to any business that wants to put care and understanding of their team at the forefront of their ethos. Nicola is an engaging teacher with real experience and understanding, she does a fantastic job at generating more awareness and empathy. Thank you.”
Clio Davies

Marketing Manager, Martin Tolhurst Solicitors

Thank you for helping us start such an important conversation Nicola!

It was really important to find someone who was knowledgeable but more importantly, relatable. Nicola was able to understand our needs, was flexible throughout and what was an in office presentation snow balled into a global event!

Nicola tells you how it is – the bad AND the good, and we are delighted to be partnering with her.

Sarah Tancell FCIPD

HR Director UK & Europe , Take-Two Interactive Software Inc.

Thanks for an informative and engaging session. Minutes after your presentation I received several emails from attendees with thanks and praise. Thank you so much for helping us start these conversations.

Joanne Forbes

HR Officer, Whitehead Monckton

Thank you Nicola for delivering such an engaging, relatable and thought-provoking presentation.

 You were able to educate our colleagues on menopause and start a very important conversation. The feedback shared by Appleby colleagues has been invaluable.

 I would highly recommend Nicola to firms looking to raise awareness on menopause.


Human Resources Manager, Abbleby

The training was hugely informative with a wonderful personal element from a very passionate presenter. As a man attending the training I was made to feel very welcome and I felt comfortable in asking questions to better assist my understanding of menopause. Our group left the training with good ideas and enthusiasm to support our colleagues who may be impacted by menopause.

Michael Kerrigan

Senior Associate Solicitor, Debenhams Ottaway Solicitors

Thank you to Nicola who delivered a great session for us. The feedback from the cross section of colleagues who attended was so positive. Nicola’s session helped raise awareness of the impact of the perimenopause and menopause not just on women experiencing it themselves but also on the friends, family and colleagues in their lives. Information on the wide variety of symptoms, the sharing of her own story and practical tips for support, were hugely valuable.    Nicola’s warm, knowledgeable and inclusive approach provided a safe space for questions and discussion afterwards. Thanks again!

Sarah Prasad

Senior HR Business Partner, Head Resourcing - Part of the Taranata Group

Thank you Nicola for returning to give another great presentation to Battens. Your initial presentation not only led us to making the changes we made, it also flung the door wide open to see the menopause as a normal topic of conversation and in fact, an essential topic of conversation. The feedback from your first presentation proved that a second presentation was an absolute must and unsurprisingly the feedback from your second presentation was just as positive as the first time round. I know you have made a huge difference to many of our employees (male and female) in both the workplace and their home life. 

I would add that I can only recommend all employers offer their employees the opportunity to watch your presentation as there are only positives all round to be gained and often the changes that are needed are so easy to implement but can make such a huge difference to the overall wellbeing of all their staff.

Cath Knapman

HR Manager, Battens Solicitors Limited

We have never addressed the subject of menopause before in our business and it was very important to us that we engaged our employees with this in a meaningful way. Working with Nicola has been extremely helpful and reassuring for us, as we navigated providing support and resources for all of our employees. Nicola’s very personal and informative talk to the business has been met with so much positivity. Both men and women have commented on how much they learned from Nicola’s presentation to us. We feel that we have now opened up the dialogue on the subject of menopause and our employees will certainly benefit.

Donna Ingram-Fletcher

Head of Tenancy Services & Equality Lead, Chestertons

Bristol Law Society were delighted to join with Nicola to kick off our members webinar series on the really important topic of Menopause in the Workplace. Nicola is incredibly passionate about the subject and is very open about her own experience which really helps to make her sessions highly relatable and to create a forum for open, honest and sometimes even humorous discussion.  The feedback from this session was overwhelmingly positive from both women and the men who attended and there was much interest from our members in how they could help transform their company cultures into menopause-friendly workplaces where issues could be discussed openly and without fear of it being a taboo subject.  Whether you want to train your law firm managers and leaders or create an informative session for all your people, we would encourage you to speak to Nicola to see how she may be able to assist you.

Helen Read

Head of Operations, Bristol Law Society

I worked with Nicola when she delivered a session at a virtual event I helped organise and chaired. Nicola was fantastic to work with, was very well prepared and as a speaker she really delivered. She met all the requirements we expected from the session and more.

The reception from delegates to her session was extremely positive and we had very good feedback.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Nicola and I hope we’re able to work together again in the future.

Liam Richardson

Closer Still Media

Having previously been lucky enough to attend a presentation by Nicola I had no hesitation in organising for Nicola to present to our people. The feedback was overwhelming. Comments included:

“I cannot thank the Board enough for investing in this training.”

“The training was eye opening I had no idea how menopause could affect woman physically and mentally.”

“So happy to be part of a firm that genuinely cares about their people.”

“I am immediately making an appointment with my GP. I had no idea that what I have been struggling with could be linked to the menopause and that real help is available. Feeling so much more positive’.

“As a woman of a certain age and experiencing mild menopause symptoms it was enlightening and refreshing to hear someone else’s story with such honesty. 

I was horrified to learn that woman are taking their own life as a result of symptoms they are experiencing and sincerely hope that support can be provided for those having similar feelings.  

If this presentation reaches out to one person in need of support then one life saved.”

For my own part listening to Nicola’s open and honest account of her experience with the menopause really put the spotlight on a subject which is rarely discussed generally never mind in the workplace. Her presentation really raised the awareness of menopause and importantly its impact on the workplace. As an employer having a full understanding of this and how we can support our people is invaluable.

I cannot recommend Nicola enough and I would encourage all businesses to invest in this very important subject.

Paula Eckton

Partner, Steele Raymond LLP

As a manager of a business, I am very keen to help with the wellbeing of all of our employees, so when Nicola’s flyer landed on my desk I was extremely interested in how she could support us.  Nicola and I chatted in detail about her expertise and our business needs, and we arranged for a presentation evening based around menopause information and support.  I had so much interest from the staff (both female and male!) and those that attended praised the way Nicola presented, the information they gained and the fact that as a business we were raising awareness and acceptance for menopause in the workplace.  I will be organising another presentation for those who could not attend and will work closely with Nicola to ensure that we continue to do everything we can support all of our female employees going through the menopause.

Justine Turnbull

Practice Manager, Friars Moor Vets and Friars Moor Livestock Health

Despite the high percentage of females working within our business, the conversation around menopause has never been one we openly discussed. With so much work happening right now to remove the stigma around menopause, we knew we needed the advice of an expert in this field to educate our team and help make positive change within the company.  Nicola hosted a training session for us, delivering a mix of personal insight, important statistics and practical tips.  Most importantly, we all walked away a little more educated on the subject, with information to share. We would highly recommend working with her. 



Good Humans were delighted to take part in Nicola’s Menopause workshop, such an educational journey for all of us, regardless of age or gender. Nicola presents in an engaging and eloquent manner, making everyone feel comfortable whilst raising awareness of an often taboo subject. Everyone felt at ease and learnt a great deal about the importance of creating a support network both inside and outside the workplace. Highly recommended.

Sally Lacey

Creative Operations Director, Good Humans

Thanks Nicola – your talks have been well received at all the offices and we have taken away some practical tips as well as feeling reassured! You have definitely helped to remove some of the stigma associated with the menopause!

Karen Sherwin

HR Manager, Mogers Drewett Solicitors

I found the session very informative, helpful, and easy to listen to.  All aspects of the session were useful to all ages and genders.  I went into the session thinking I knew a lot about perimenopause and the menopause however, the session helped me understand that there is more depth to this and armed me with tools needed for the future.
Nicola has been a great help through my menopause and her presentation has helped make the office aware of the symptoms we have to deal with on a daily basis and I feel people have become more understanding towards me at work.
Employees at

Wessex Group

Learnt so much about the menopause. Really useful to understand and how to help colleagues and my wife as and when it arises.

Really informative – even if I don’t need to use the knowledge for myself for a few years, having the awareness is brilliant and eye opening!

Very informative and helpful for all ages and genders. Personally helpful for my own relationship.

Very enlightening. Good understanding of the subject.

Employees at

Battens Solicitors Limited

A big thank you for delivering the session yesterday. I know the team found it really informative on a personal level and it also provided great insight into the importance of understanding and supporting menopause in the workplace, which in turn, will enable us to support our clients further with the knowledge we now have. It prompted some further discussions afterwards, which is a great sign and I was pleased to be able to include employees of all ages and genders. 

Sally Bedeau

Business Manager, Loch Associates Group

Being asked to become a Menopause Champion for staff at my offices was a daunting prospect, how would I know what to do or say to support people? It is one thing dealing with the Menopause yourself and quite another to support other people. Nicola’s training provided me with the information and confidence I needed. She was so easy to talk to, quite the most enjoyable training I have done for a while. I would recommend anybody looking to either educate staff about the Menopause, or train other Menopause Champions, to talk to Nicola.

Clare Glazsher

Head of the Wellbeing Team, The Family Law Company

As a Multi-Academy Trust of 17 schools, and as part of our wellbeing initiative, our aim has been to raise awareness and provide useful and practical information for staff on the Menopause within the workplace.

Nicola Green has excelled in providing us with informative and personal sessions for staff, talking openly about her own situation and offering helpful advice on coping with symptoms in the workplace.

Nicola delivers her presentations with ease and is inspiring to listen to. We wholly appreciate the time that Nicola has spent with us so far and look forward to continuing our work with her in the future.

HR Team

SAST (Sherborne Area Schools' Trust)

I have had overwhelmingly positive feedback from colleagues this morning, and it has already helped us to open up supportive channels of communication. I’m also feeding back to our male colleagues at the Senior Leadership meeting this afternoon.

I felt that balance of personal testimonial, information about symptoms, and practical suggestions was helpful and gave others a sense of empowerment to seek support with their own symptoms.

Sarah Turnbull

Deputy Headteacher, Gillingham School

The menopause is a subject that rarely gets discussed in the workplace and yet women are very often silently suffering with a wide variety of symptoms. Nicola’s recent presentation to a group of staff made us all feel that we were not alone in dealing with the menopause and that we had a support network within our working environment. Nicola’s manner and style of delivery was very reassuring and calming and her genuine openness about her own journey was very humbling.  Nicola offers a follow up training session on more general health and well-being which we are looking forward to.

Sarah Bullmore

Headteacher, St Mary the Virgin Primary School, Gillingham

Nicola joined us for a team insight session, with her Informative and Supportive presentation.  The presentation was a real “door opener” and we have already seen the positive effects from starting this conversation.  We have made some changes recommended by Nicola which were simple but effective and empowering.  We are committed to keeping this conversation going, Menopause in the workplace is such an important topic for all workplaces and for all team members”

Vicky Hickey

Joint Chief Executive, Wiltshire Community Foundation

Thank you to Nicola who provided a personal and informative insight into menopause for staff and Councillors at Salisbury City Council.  Feedback from attendees included that they found the session valuable to support their own experience but also others and commented that they wished they had this presentation years ago.  A very professional and educational presentation.

Tracy Adams

HR Manager, Salisbury City Council

Thanks for providing such an informative and thought-provoking talk about menopause. It’s really important to tackle these topics and often ‘head-on’ is the best way. The team found it enlightening and informative.

Mark Norton

Managing Director, Composite Profiles UK Limited

Thank you for a fantastic and thought provoking presentation

Ben Malik

Manager Director, Rebecca Bevins HR Consultancy

Nicola was a guest speaker for a webinar series for residents of the BCP area, aiming to tackle mental health in the workplace Nicola had a friendly but professional approach to presenting, which kept the attendees engaged throughout. Her honest account of lived experience was refreshing and her tips were second to none. Delegates felt empowered and certainly not alone after this session. 

Stacey Miller

Consultanct, Stacey Miller Consultancy

I recently attended Nicola’s webinar about menopause and to say it had an impact was an understatement!
I almost didn’t attend…it was 5pm and I had spent the day struggling to concentrate, flitting from one task to another and never quite completing anything properly. As a self confessed over achiever this sat very hard with me, and is something I have struggled with for a while.
Going to the webinar, listening to Nicola talk so openly and warmly about the symptoms so many women like me struggle with, and so importantly, talking about the things we can do to help ourselves – and give ourselves a break from the negative self-talk – was so valuable.
I have been so impressed with Nicola’s work that I have asked Nicola to join me on a future podcast – “Why Menopause is a business issue” – our aim is to reach out and support women, men and businesses on this important topic.
Thank you Nicola
Jayne Lewis

Jayne Lewis Coaching

I have just attended a brilliant webinar about the menopause, specifically early menopause run by the fabulous Nicola Green. Nicola works with businesses and their people, providing them with information and practical advice about Menopause – a topic that is all too often sadly taboo but WILL affect every woman and those around them. If you have a business and would like to inform and support your workforce contact Nicola for information, it will be worth it. Thank you Nicola.

Debbie Greenwood

Owner and Founder, Liaise Limited

Happy that Wessex Investment Management was able to sponsor and host such an important presentation for all concerned.

Wessex Investment Management

Managing Director, Wessex Investment Management

A very interesting and informative presentation. The presentation was a great opportunity to discuss how we feel in our working environment. I would recommend this seminar to any workplace.

Philippa Cannings

Practice Manager, The Apples Medical Centre

So much helpful information, so nice to know that support is there and now feel less pressures.

Resonated so much with how I had been feeling and symptoms I had experienced. Good to know you’re not alone.

Thanks for the brilliant talk – really helpful to chat with everyone who are really going through the same.

Employees at

Harold G Walker Solicitors

“Thank you to HR for organising the Menopause Workshop with Nicola Green.  I thoroughly enjoyed Nicola’s talk and listening to her personal experience.  It was very informative and gave me some insight into the world that is menopause and finding out symptoms I never knew came into this category. Please thank Nicola very much.”

“I thought it was absolutely excellent. Really interesting and informative. Thanks for organising”

“I really enjoyed Nicola’s workshop; it was informative and comforting to know that you’re not alone!”

“Thank you to you and HR for organising such an informative session for Wellbeing Week.  I will drop Nicola a line to thank her too. The session was engaging with lots of chat on the chat facility and with people on their cameras so it was lively and kept my attention for the whole hour.”

Employees at

Paris Smith LLP

Great informative session. Makes me realise I’m not alone anymore.

Thank you Nicola – great to have time to reflect and think for once about myself. Good to also know we have strong supportive colleagues.

Very informative – thank you so much

Employees at

St Mary The Virgin Primary School

It was great to raise awareness of this issue with everyone at the Business Centre. We’ve got so many people here and as a woman ‘of that age’ it was great to have someone here to open a discussion for us. We all feel more able to chat with each other about this now.

Thank you for such an informative discussion. Greater openness and knowledge about the menopause is so important.

Employees at

The Wincombe Centre

Nicola was such an engaging speaker, and obviously knew her subject very well. I think the way that she spoke candidly about such a sensitive subject was refreshing – there wasn’t one person in the room that felt awkward, simply due to her approach and honesty.

Speaker was absolutely brilliant and very personable. Really engaging and all content quite simple and to the point!

Empathetic speaker who shared experiences and problems which all women face and experience. She made everyone comfortable with the uncomfortable. Well done!

From a large organisation presentation

Speaker was very engaging. She was brave to talk so openly about such a personal experience. Information provided was valuable and would be useful for all managers to be aware of the impacts that this time of life has on some of us.

From a large organisation presentation

Nicola was well prepared and engaged with the audience from the beginning. She was able to speak freely on the topic without embarrassment and encouraged questions at the end.

From a large organisation presentation

Nicola was well prepared and engaged with the audience from the beginning. She was able to speak freely on the topic without embarrassment and encouraged questions at the end.

From a large organisation presentation

About Me

I was diagnosed with premature menopause at the age of 35. Learn more about my experiences with the menopause.

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I provide a range of menopause presentations online and in-person, tailored to the requirements of each business.

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